5 Tips to Maintain your Fitness Equipment at Home

Tips to Maintain your Fitness Equipment

Quarantine days have some time to spend on ourselves. It is a perfect opportunity to boost our health and immunity to save ourselves from the pandemic that is engulfing the whole world. For those who did not get time for workouts and those who cannot go to public gyms, home gyms have become a place of worship.

Few or many, maintaining the home gym equipment feels like a headache for many. Many think that they have to use heavy tools, dismantle each equipment, lubricate them, and clean them. But it is not that difficult. If you have a warranty for the equipment, basic maintenance means calling your manufacturer and asking them to send someone to check the equipment. Most of the problems of fitness equipment happen with small carelessness from your part. If you read the user guide correctly, there will be clauses as to how you should maintain the equipment. Thoroughly following these instructions will help you to extend the lifetime of your product.

If you spend some time on your gym equipment, you will find that it is easy to keep them in good condition. If you can spare some time to take care of them, you can avoid the expenses on their maintenance and repair.

A gym maintenance plan can be of two types - preventive and corrective. Rectifying problems or malfunctions of gym equipment is corrective maintenance while taking care of your equipment against damages is preventive maintenance. Both are necessary for the proper functioning of your fitness equipment.

Here are some tips you can use to take care of your fitness equipment.

1. Buy quality equipment

There is numerous fitness equipment in the market these days. You will get both expensive and cheap equipment. But it is always good to go for the costly side of fitness equipment. They will be strong and durable, while the cheaper ones won’t last long. So go for well-established brands.

2. Always keep everything clean

There will be padded surfaces on most of the fitness equipment. Make sure that you wipe them with a sanitizing spray after every use. If sweat remains on these surfaces, it will dry out, resulting in premature cracking/fading of the material used for padding. Not only for the equipment, but this is necessary for your health too.

If you want your equipment to be dust-free and clean looking, you have to wipe all its parts at least twice a week. If you are using chalk around the machine, you have to clean it more often as chalk gets into pivot bearings, pulley bearings, weight tracks, and other moving parts and damage them.

3. Lubricate the parts

Apply oil to the weight tracks frequently, say once in a month. If you use them heavily, you have to oil them more often. More friction and heat in the joints of exercise equipment will damage it as there are excessive wear and tear. Lubricate treadmills and all other equipment with moving parts. The oil will help to prevent your equipment from rusting. Read the user manual of your cardio equipment to get the instructions.

4. Check for wear and tear

Inspect your equipment often to find wear and tear. If you do not notice them in time, it may cause you injury. Check the equipment carefully to find bends, cracks, etc. Cables and resistance bands have to be checked at least once in a month for breakage or fraying. If you notice cracks, replace them at the earliest.

5. Prevent misuse

Make sure that your fitness equipment is not used for exercises it isn’t designated to handle. If they are used for the wrong purpose, they will get damaged very soon or cause quick wear and tear. Use them for their proper purpose.

Final thoughts

Basic maintenance of the home gym equipment is effortless if you do it regularly. It takes very little time to keep them in good condition. If you maintain them properly, they will last long. Thus you can save a good amount you spend on them to make them run smoothly.

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