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نورديك تراك Ex-Display |Commercial 1250 Treadmill

نورديك تراك قم بزيارة متجر

AED 6,170

شامل ضريبة القيمة المضافة

عروض البنك: أدفع بفائدة 0% على دفعات شهرية متساوية على 6 اشهر بمبلغ AED 1,028.33  يتعلم أكثر


يتم التوصيل بحلول Mar 17 إلى Mar 18 عندما تطلب الآن


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هذا المنتج متاح للتجربة في متجرنا.

بخصوص هذا المنتج

  • Motor Power 3.6 CHP | Max User weight 182 Kg
  • Max Speed 19 kph | 12 Levels Incline
  • 10" tilting touchscreen for easy viewing
  • SpaceSaver™ design allows easy folding to save space after workouts
  • AutoBreeze™ fan adjusts to keep you cool during your workout
  • SmartAdjust™ auto-adjusts incline, decline, and speed
  • ActivePulse™ heart rate training for optimal results
  • RunFlex™ cushioning for comfort and shock absorption
  • Unlock iFit for an additional fee
  • Brand Origin: United States

نورديك تراك

عرض التفاصيل


رقم النوع NTL14124-INT-DUP
الاستعمال Commercial Use
قوة المحرك 3.6 CHP
نوع المحرك DC
حد السرعة 19 kph
الحد الاقصى لوزن المستخدم 182 Kg
منطقة الجري / حجم الحزام (طول*عرض) 152cm x 55cm
مستوى الانحدار 12% Incline to -3% decline 
التدريبات / البرامج Multiple Workouts
ابعاد المنتج 196.3 x 94 x 151.1cm
تغليف طول*عرض*ارتفاع 214.1 x 90.4 x 37.1cm
وزن المنتج 140.3 Kg
بلد المشأ United States

الميزات الإضافية

Technologies تقنية اكتيف بلس، تقنية الضبط التلقائي
Transportation Wheels نعم
Sensor نعم
Languages Available الانجليزية
ميزات متكاملة (حامل زجاجة ، صينية ، USB ، مكبرات صوت ، إلخ) Two - 2in (5.1 cm) speakers with premium audio quality, USB-C charging port
الاتصال (بلوتوث,وايفاي,انترنت) سماعة بلوتوث
Belt Type حزام بسمك 2.8 ملم
ابعاد الطي طول*عرض*ارتفاع NA
وزن الطقم NA
Fan AutoBreeze™ fan
Cushion Deck / Shock Absorption System توسيد ممتاز
Console Readouts السعرات الحرارية المحروقة، المسافة، السرعة، الوقت
عرض وحدة التحكم Tilting 10in (25.4 cm) touchscreen for optimal viewing
Heart Rate Monitoring اتصال معدل ضربات القلب
Cushioning RunFlex™ cushioning
Bluetooth Bluetooth® headphone and heart rate monitor connectivity

وصف المنتج

1250 Treadmill: Performance, Personalization, and Power at Your Feet

The 1250 Treadmill is built to deliver a seamless, high-performance workout tailored to your goals. Whether you’re preparing for a race, enhancing endurance, or simply staying fit, this treadmill adapts to your needs, providing an exceptional workout every time.

Key Features

  • SmartAdjust™ Technology: SmartAdjust™ Technology automatically adjusts the treadmill's speed, incline, and decline to match your fitness level and goals. Whether you're warming up, pushing through an intense interval session, or cooling down, this innovative feature ensures a seamless, personalized workout every time. It takes the guesswork out of training, allowing you to focus on your performance while the treadmill adapts to your unique needs.

  • ActivePulse™ Heart Rate Training: Take your training to the next level with ActivePulse™. This intelligent system adjusts the treadmill’s settings based on your heart rate, ensuring you stay in the ideal zone for maximum results.

  • Tilting 10" Touchscreen: Enjoy a clear and adjustable view of your workout stats with a tilting 10" touchscreen that allows you to set the screen to your perfect eye level, ensuring ease and comfort throughout your workout.

  • Powerful Speed and Flexibility: With speeds ranging from 0 to 12 MPH, the 1250 lets you run at a 5-minute-mile pace, making it perfect for interval training or challenging runs—transition quickly from walking to sprinting with ease.

  • RunFlex™ Cushioning: The advanced RunFlex™ cushioning system absorbs shock and reduces impact, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable workout whether you're jogging, walking at an incline, or sprinting at high speeds.

Powered by iFIT

Take your fitness to the next level with iFIT’s personalized features. Explore a vast collection of over 10,000 on-demand workouts, guided by expert trainers, and tailored to help you meet your goals—all accessible at your convenience. (Please note, that an iFIT membership comes at an additional cost.)

iFIT Software Features:

  • Access to over 10,000 personalized workouts
  • SmartAdjust™ adapts workouts based on your fitness level
  • ActivePulse™ modifies intensity to match your target heart rate zones when used with a compatible heart rate monitor
  • Syncs activity data with Strava, Google Fit, Garmin Connect, and Apple Health
  • Enjoy your favorite shows and music via supported streaming services
  • Design custom, simulated routes using Google Maps (coming soon)

Streaming Services

Entertainment meets fitness with access to streaming services on the stunning 10” HD touchscreen. Adjust the screen to your perfect angle, and immerse yourself in your favorite content while staying active and motivated.

Whether you're looking to increase endurance, train for an event, or enjoy a comfortable home workout, the 1250 Treadmill offers all the features you need to succeed. Elevate your fitness experience today.

Please note that an iFit membership is offered at an additional cost.