10 Ramadan Health and Fitness Tips

Ramadan, the holy month is the time for self-reflection and self-discipline, also focuses on spiritual cleansing of body and mind. Apparently, for the month of Ramadan, a change in routine supports health and fitness benefits in particular. Ramadan being at the start of summer, coupled with scorching climate in UAE, food and water restraints may impact the body in many ways. Nevertheless, one can beat it by relying on healthiest wellness tips. As Ramadan is around the corner, we break down some health and fitness essentials to follow a hale and hearty lifestyle.

This Ramadan, stick to these snippets of information to keep your body fit as a fiddle. You may find it difficult to make changes in your routine when you begin fasting, though. To figure it out, here we have 10 health and fitness tips to be followed during Ramadan fasting. So, let’s go!

1- Break the fast with Dates

Start with two or three dates to maintain blood sugar level and replenish the body fluids. Plus, it meets the cravings for sweet sugary foods after long fasting hours. It’s a good idea to complement it with soups or fruit juices. Nevertheless, there is always a tendency to overeat during Iftar. Too much of a good thing is bad and it’s applicable for dates too! Balance glucose levels and calorie intake. Also, keep in mind your fitness motives so that you can rein in the cravings.

2- Control your Portions

Make sure that there is no over indulging. Avoid intake of large portions, particularly, sugary, fried and oily foods during iftar. Above all, it is against the rules of fasting. It is better not to wait until night to eat late, for it will only help inviting unnecessary health concerns. Wake up early for Suhoor, the pre-dawn meal that helps you keep going during the day. Keep in mind that it’s recommended to have pre-dawn meal before fasting resumes.

3- Follow the traditional Ramadan Schedule

Make sure that you wake up before Fajr, the dawn prayer to have the Suhoor. The pre-dawn meal which serves as the source of energy throughout the day of fasting is followed by Fajr prayer. A well-disciplined prayer schedule is the essence of Ramadan and fasting. Also, ensure that your thoughts are focused around holy matters so that you stay thoroughly devoted to religious routine during the time of fasting.

4- Never avoid Suhoor

Eating Suhoor as it is considered important during fasting. Make sure that have the pre-dawn meal in moderation to keep yourself in good health on the days of fasting. Replenish energy by adequate intake of healthy food during Suhoor. It’s a bad idea to compromise on Suhoor for an extra hour of sleep. Eat Suhoor and keep fatigue at bay during the day until Maghrib when the fasting comes to an end.

5- Keep up Health and Fitness

If you are in the habit of performing workouts, there is no harm in going on with your fitness routine. There are some restrictions, though. Albeit, one cannot do high intensity weight lifting workouts before Iftar that results in losing muscle mass, light exercises or cardio workouts just before Iftar or before Suhoor would do. Keep in mind that Ramadan is the time to maintain fitness rather than assessing the progress you made. Have a time schedule, which indeed depends on individual’s energy level and medical conditions, if any.

6- Rely on fruits and fiber-rich foods

Although fasting is meant for mental detox, it certainly targets at bringing in physical cleansing as well. To replace the fluids lost and resume fasting without dehydration during the following day, it is recommended to take in fruits and foods rich in fiber content. To make your one month long fasting rewarding, make healthy choices on food. The changes in eating habits affect the body, but evidently, one can cope with this by including lots of fiber-rich foods.

7- Have a balanced diet

With fifteen to sixteen hours of fasting, eating a balanced meal often seems impossible during Iftar that’s rich with scrumptious meals. However, to keep your health unharmed and consistent, ensure that you consume nutritious diet cooked with fresh ingredients. Apart from helping you keep nourished, you can set an example for others to follow. Balance proteins, carbohydrates, milk, fruits and vegetables in the diet for a healthy Ramadan.

8- Less Sugar, More Health

More often than not, it would rather be difficult to suppress the cravings for sugar-rich foods after a day of fasting. Sweets and chocolates with high sugar content are to be avoided for it increases the chances of weight gain. Plus, they have little nutritional value with high calories. Refined carbohydrates such as white flour, white bread and processed carbohydrates should also be avoided.

9- Get adequate rest

It is vital that you give your body enough rest during the days of fasting. A good night’s sleep is advised to feel energetic and active during the fasting day. Plan your sleep accordingly for you have to wake up at Suhoor. Also, restrain yourself from sleeping at once after Suhoor or Iftar as it will do more harm than good. Nevertheless, ensure that you get enough sleep to make fasting on the following day truly satisfying!

10- Stay Hydrated at Night

This time, Ramadan falls during the onset of summer. To beat the challenges of fasting during summer months, ensure that you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water once you break the fast at Iftar until Suhoor. Get soups and fruit juices to avoid the incidence of dehydration. Keep oily and salty foods at bay for it only adds up to your thirst! Also, avoid coffee, tea or any sort of caffeinated and sweetened carbonated soft drinks. Carry your water bottle to gym and ensure that you are well hydrated while performing exercises.


Hope you found this list of tips helpful. Don’t forget to share this article across your friends and family to keep them healthy during Ramadan!